Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Yoga of Positive Thinking

It's been a year and a half since I visited the Sivananda Ashram, and I still find myself benefiting from what I learned there. In the Sivananda system positive thinking and meditation are essential and fundamental practices.

It's easy to practice positive thinking. I learned this technique from Shambudas. Every night, just before you drift off to sleep, think of three things you are grateful for. These things can come from events of your day or any element of your life.

After practicing like this for just a few days, you will find that you see your life in a whole new light. It's so simple and so powerful. Try it; you've got nothing to lose!

Creating New Patterns

I invite you to use these affirmations in a creative way to let go of behaviors that do not serve you and to establish the lifestyle that will nourish and sustain you.

Please find a quiet, private place.

Close your eyes and take a few deep, centering breaths.

Repeat these affirmations out loud.

Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. As you practice, notice how they change.

Repetition is how we establish new patterns. Repeat this process as often as you like.

• I commit to reading these statements with reverence and love. I willingly take actions to align with the deep intelligence within myself that seeks health and wholeness.

• I embrace my process of healing, knowing it is integral to the evolution of my soul.

• I accept my challenges as gifts, and I am grateful for all that they reveal to me as I explore them.

• I release the habits that keep me from
living life to the fullest and replace them with empowering actions that best support my body and mind. (here you may choose to include a specific habit you'd like to let go of - like I choose to stop smoking.)

• I love myself and nourish myself with life affirming foods, thoughts and actions. (here you may choose to include a specific action that you'd like to incorporate into your life - like I practice yoga twice a week.)

• I pay attention to what I surround myself with. If I am being pulled off my path of greatness, I take steps to release those relationships that injure and misdirect me.

• I accept myself fully. I am exactly where I should be.

• I honor myself and my efforts. I know that my evolution is constant.

• I stay with this process even on days that seem difficult. During those times, I look closely at my challenges, seeking to know myself better in all ways.

• All is well. I know this to be true today and always.

Yoga Nidra - Awaken Your Potential

Yoga Nidra is yogic sleep. Practitioners use a systematic method to completely relax the body and mind to bring about the deeply healing meditative state of yogic sleep. The method includes breath work, guided imagery, body scanning and sankalpa or intention setting.

These techniques restore balance to the body and mind. Yogis and sages have practiced Yoga Nidra for thousands of years to change deeply embedded habits or
samskaras. When you practice Yoga Nidra, you feel great, and it's easy to align your daily decisions with your highest intentions.

This month, I will offer two guided sessions. Please join me and experience the healing magic of Yoga Nidra.

Yoga Nidra
4 - 5 PM Saturday 1/17 and 1/31
$12 for one session or $20 for both

Space is Limited!

Reserve your space today!